كتاب الموسوعة الأم للعلاج بالنباتات والأعشاب الطبية
أ. د . عبدالباسط محمد السيد
أ. د . عبدالتواب عبدالله حسين
Translated by Google Encyclopedia mother for
treatment plants and medicinal herbs pdf Have proven medicinal herbs effective
in the treatment of many diseases old and Creator , and because of the side
effects caused by drugs and pharmaceutical chemicals , appeared now many calls
in Western countries, especially to return to the ways Therapeutics ancient
using medicinal plants and herbs , and here comes the role of the expert big in
this area Dr . Abdel Basset Mohamed El Sayed , head of medical tests at the National
Institute for Research , to put us Encyclopedia integrated in ways Herbal
natural , a huge book , rich with pictures , painted in detail the methods and
benefits of herbal medicine , and diseases that Tdawiyeha each herb and their
habitats and ways of healing them.
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